Admission is open to all categories of students – Indians and non-residential Indian irrespective of caste, creed, color and religion.

Parents/ Guardians seeking admission for their ward(s) can write to or walk into the campus for application and admission.

Students will be selected on the basis of their capabilities beside the general & specific criteria. Parents should confirm the acceptance within the stipulated date, remit the fees and other duly completed declaration forms and submit the necessary documents.

Age & Eligibility

  • Children seeking admission to L.K.G (Lower Kindergarten) should have three years of age on or before 30th march of the current year.
  • A child seeking admission to Grade 1 should have completed 5 years of age on or before 31st March of the current year. The age of admission for other classes shall be reckoned accordingly. Relaxation in age is not permitted.
  • Students from English medium schools with good performance and inclination to study well with the teaching and guidance of qualified and competent faculty are eligible to apply.

Dress Code

  • The school has a common dress code for all the children (uniform) and students are expected to follow the same.


Discipline is a vital part of our school’s policy. It is the function of the school community. through a system of relationships, rules, rewards and sanctions designed to encourage and develop self-discipline within the children. If there is a persistent problem, the class teacher and/ or the management will draw up an improvement program to support the child in partnership with parents. If the problem continues, the school reserves the right to make a decision that suits the interests of the student community.

  • Each pupil should have the right to be able to learn to the best of his/ her ability and to develop whatever skills he/she possesses.
  • Each child should have his/ her possessions and privacy respected.
  • In school, children must walk quietly and treat adults and other children with courtesy and respect. We do not tolerate bad manners and bad language.
  • We expect children to show respect to their own and other people’s property.
  • There may be occasions when children’s behavior is disappointing or unaccepable. There are clearly defined boundaries to acceptable behavior and children who do not keep with these will be reprimanded. if bad behavior persists, we will communicate to the parents so that we can work together to overcome the problem.

Health and Safety Issues

The school has a 24×7 medical access. The campus houses an infirmary for emergencies.

The school will carry regular health-checks at all levels.

Parents are immediately notified when the student falls sick. if your child becomes ill during the course of the day we shall do everytjing possible to make the child comfortable, but since our facilities are limited in this respect the best place for them to be in those circumstances is at home. 

Leave of Absence

Any request for absence must be authorized by the head teacher.

Parents or guardians who wish to take their children out of school during a term will have to write directly to the principal.

Even short term absence from the school, may result in poor performance. So, please do not keep them away unless they are unwell or there is some family crisis.

Contact with Parents

The school will always be in touch with the parents and provide regular updates through circulars, SMS/ messages. Notification through school diary and notices. Please provide the school with up to date information on contact details/ phone numbers.


Children are strictly prohibited from carrying toys, games, electronic good, gold ornaments or other items of value to school. The management will not be held responsible for loss of money or valuables in the premises.