Continuing with the spirit of of structured inquiry. the secondary years provide a framework of academic challenge that encourages students to embrace and understand the connections between traditional subjects and the real world. and become critical and reflective thinker.

We strive to focus our energies on guiding students to become powerful literate, well rounded academically and responsible first to themselves then to the local community and finally to the global community. with us, in addition to the core subjects of Math, English, Science and Humanities, all students will take French/ Hindi. performing arts/ visual arts and physical education.

Wherever it is advantageous and appropriate we take education outside of the classroom to involve students in experiential learning. Various experience trips are conducted throughout the world. They provide students with a choice of community service, adventure or historical/ cultural options.

With all trips of this nature, significant emphasis is placed on developing leadership and communication skills in students. as well as self-reliance, compassion and cross-cultural understanding.